244.00 DKK 0.00 0.00%
Official Close 3/17/2023 CPH

Prime Office AS Historical Prices

Date Open Close Daily High Daily Low
Price change over selected period: 0% 0

Prime Office AS Analyst Opinions

Prime Office AS Dividend Calendar

Date Name Dividend *yield Currency
2022 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2021 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2020 Prime Office AS 5.00 2.43 DKK
2019 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2018 Prime Office AS 3.00 2.27 DKK
2017 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2016 Prime Office AS 3.00 2.26 DKK
2015 Prime Office AS 1.50 1.79 DKK
2014 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2013 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2012 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2011 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2010 Prime Office AS - - DKK
2009 Prime Office AS - - DKK
*Yield of the Respective Date

Prime Office AS Profile

Prime Office A/S owns and operates residential and commercial properties. The company engages in the investment of residential and commercial properties. Its portfolios include office and administration buildings and properties for retail and other types of occupancy. The company was founded on December 10, 2007 and is headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark.

Moody’s Daily Credit Risk Score

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Moody’s Daily Credit Risk Score is a 1-10 score of a company’s credit risk, based on an analysis of the firm’s balance sheet and inputs from the stock market. The score provides a forward-looking, one-year measure of credit risk, allowing investors to make better decisions and streamline their work ow. Updated daily, it takes into account day-to-day movements in market value compared to a company’s liability structure.

Prime Office AS Shareholder

Owner in %
Freefloat 36.87
Mogens Vinther Møller 24.31
AHJ A/S 15.72
BD Holding ApS 11.01
Kjell Bugge 10.01
Flemming Bent Lindeløv, PhD 0.74
Knud Aage Hjorth 0.72
Shareholder percentage totals can add to more than 100% because some holders are included in the free float.