
Name ISIN Issuer Curr. Perf. 1Y Perf. 3Y Perf. 5Y Volume
ProShares Big Data Refiners ETF ProShares USD -26.18 - -
ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF ProShares USD -36.07 - -
ProShares DJ Brookfield Global Infrastructure ETF ProShares USD -5.00 52.22 27.36
ProShares Decline of the Retail Store ETF ProShares USD 1.30 -72.40 -56.61
ProShares Equities for Rising Rates ETF ProShares USD -11.14 137.27 8.28
ProShares Global Listed Private Equity ETF ProShares USD -18.56 78.84 1.00
ProShares Hedge Replication ETF ProShares USD -3.87 15.92 6.97
ProShares High Yield—Interest Rate Hedged ProShares USD -0.70 27.34 12.53
ProShares Inflation Expectations ETF ProShares USD -2.84 44.86 20.56
ProShares Investment Grade—Interest Rate Hedged ProShares USD 1.78 22.69 8.29
ProShares K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF ProShares USD -19.76 105.23 -30.97
ProShares Large Cap Core Plus ProShares USD -12.87 73.63 41.09
ProShares Long Online/Short Stores ETF ProShares USD -34.47 -38.68 -35.07
ProShares MSCI EAFE Dividend Growers ETF ProShares USD -9.83 34.80 5.21
ProShares MSCI Emerging Markets Dividend Growers ETF ProShares USD -7.91 24.15 -13.18
ProShares MSCI Europe Dividend Growers ETF ProShares USD -12.17 47.21 13.00
ProShares MSCI Transformational Changes ETF ProShares USD -15.49 - -
ProShares Merger ETF ProShares USD -5.05 14.36 10.96
ProShares Metaverse ETF ProShares USD -27.65 - -
ProShares Nanotechnology ETF ProShares USD -10.47 - -